Customer Testimonials

Our daughter recommended we have Matt from Stay Safe Services come to our home and talk about safety and the importance of making our home a safe place to live. It was one of the best decisions we have ever made.

Matt, a retired Police Officer of 27 years, made us feel confident that his ideas were in our best interest. Matt went through the inside and outside of our home to show us how to make our environment safe. With his recommendations we made many changes and it has made our life safe, comfortable and secure. Matt was patient, kind and considerate of all our needs.

My wife and I highly recommend Matt Baxter and the Stay Safe Services to anyone, especially those in their elderly years.

George & Janet W.

I am so happy I had Matt conduct a Home Safety Assessment on my home. He arrived on time and never made me feel rushed – during both visits.  It was encouraging to know that many of the preparations I have already made were effective. He showed me around the home and made practical recommendations for fall prevention and emergency planning. And we enjoyed a few laughs. I highly recommend Stay Safe Services.

Janet R.

We are pleased to recommend Stay Safe Services – a company that assesses the safety level of the home environment for families in general and for seniors in particular. As seniors, we recognized the potential risks for our own situation and set up an appointment for
an assessment.

The owner of SSS arrived on time and introduced himself. He is a recently retired police officer and, for the next step in his career, chose to increase his knowledge of keeping people safe to include potential risk areas around the home. As we got to know more, it was clear that Matt really cares about his mission and we felt very comfortable inviting him into our home.

We were very impressed with the completeness of his assessment. He discussed potential risk situations, and various options for mitigating such risks in a pleasing manner. Furthermore, we were pleased to see that he has established a network of people we could access to make implementation of required changes just a telephone call away, or a location to acquire recommended equipment (such as low -cost effective fire extinguishers).

The thoroughness of his efforts to create a convenient service from assessment to ease of implementation is truly impressive

June & Gordon P.

I’m a 76 year old handicapped woman who lives alone. At this age, a fall can be very dangerous. I heard about a new company called Stay Safe Services that comes into your home and points out all the unsafe areas and gives solutions to make them safe.

I was sure that I didn’t need any additions or corrections in my home but a young man, Matt Baxter, came to evaluate my home and pointed out places that could use improvement.

I have a power chair. I slipped out onto the floor and injured my tailbone. I thought I just needed to be more careful. Matt pointed out how slippery the tile can be and added grip tape in front of my recliner. He asked me if there were any other locations I worried about slipping. I showed him where I dress and he added grip tape there as well.

I feel so much more comfortable getting in and out of my recliner and getting dressed.

Because I have a hard time walking up and down the step in my garage with my walker, Matt placed a ramp there. It makes it so much easier to get into my house, especially when I’m carrying bags.

He also suggested adding a floor to ceiling pole in my bathroom to help me get in and out of the shower. As soon as he added it, I felt so much more confident.

In case I do fall in the bathroom, Matt added a device that enables me to call for help without dialing a phone number.

Matt has the knowledge and the equipment to make your home a safe place to live in your Golden Years. I highly recommend Stay Safe Services!

Fran S.